Amazon Prime Air
Jeff Bezos was on Charlie Rose tonight and he introduced the world to their new experimentatal initiative, Amazon Prime Air. Watch the v... Continue reading...
Jeff Bezos was on Charlie Rose tonight and he introduced the world to their new experimentatal initiative, Amazon Prime Air. Watch the v... Continue reading...
Ideas are a dime a dozen. Ideas are cheap while execution is expensive. Execution is what turns an idea into reality. It turns it into so... Continue reading...
Ed Lea created this awesome graphic which explains the difference between user interface and user experience using breakfast... Continue reading...
Inspiring commercial. Pay it... Continue reading...
It happens more often then we want to admit. Somebody says something, does something or you hear about it from someone else. You get... Continue reading...
People will say things behind your back, even people who should be rooting for your success. You'll hear about it. It'll make you mad, it'l... Continue reading...
Mission accomplished... "The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come and Disney has a monopo... Continue reading...
A study found athletes can tolerate more pain than non-athletes. Article summarizes why this may be and tells us how they push through the p... Continue reading...
Sounds like a smart way to get a feel for a company and it's future... He says he’s going to be meeting with each Heroku employee one-on-... Continue reading...
That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. via... Continue reading...
iOS 7 leads to more opportunities according to Marco... Apple has set fire to iOS. Everything’s in flux. Those with the least to lose hav... Continue reading...
Facebook and The Hacker Way... “Apple is about polish. Google is about scale. Microsoft is about, well, 30 years old,” says ex-Googler... Continue reading...
John Gruber describes our new-found familiarity of touch screens... Look around you. Any street corner. Any office. Any shopping mall. Any... Continue reading...
Kevin Rose on entrepreneur vision... A team aligned behind a vision will move mountains. Sell them on your roadmap and don’t compromise �... Continue reading...
Learn to say that you need help and don't see it as a weakness. See it as a point of strength. via Put Asking For Help On Your Daily To-Do... Continue reading...
Growth is hard, but necessary: stagnation kills companies. via Startup Culture... Continue reading...
Advice from Fred Wilson on how to build a business... So my advice is not to rush into business model without first finding product market... Continue reading...
Can't wait! "Many people now say that innovation means a new category," Tim Cook said. "Yes, we’re still a company that’s going to do t... Continue reading...
Social networks -- and the gadgets they run on -- aren’t a distraction from real life, but a crucial extension of it. via What Really Hap... Continue reading...